EDGE MMA forums: Help desk – the place to ask technical questions about EDGE MMA
Help desk

Welcome to EDGE MMA's help desk and support forum. This forum is used by users to ask for help with technical problems from other members of EDGE MMA's community. There are any number of questions, possible bugs, or otherwise that can be asked in this forum, so do not be afraid to ask for help with something if you are unsure of how to do it. Possible uses of this forum:

  • "How do I create a template with different variables?"
  • "How can I create an informational template for a fighter's article?"
  • "Is there a way that I can use a personal javascript or css page?"
  • "How can I customize my sidebar in the EDGE MMA's skin?"

To add a new topic, please type the title in the box below then click "Add new topic".

For other sources of help, please see the help category.

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